Collections of the PA House Archives

Finding Aids
The House Archives maintains millions of pages of records of the PA House of Representatives. By using finding aids, visitors can find specific records related to their research. These resource guides provide detailed descriptions of individual collections, including contents, box and folder lists, and links to PA House Archives' Digital Collections.

Digital Collections
Many of the items in the House Archives have been digitized and/or born digital. The Digital Collections provide free access to electronic resources, including digitized records, photographs, videos, and manuscripts.
Standing Committees
Standing committees serve as the workshops of the Legislature. It is their duty to carefully study all bills referred to them and to report bills to the House for consideration and/or approval. House Rule 45 states that standing committee chairs are required to deposit their records with the House Archives at the end of every two-year session. The materials housed in these collections include attendance records, meeting minutes, and voting records.
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Select/Special Committees & Task Forces
Select and Special Committees and Task Forces are created to address specific legislative concerns. These small and temporary committees, created by House Resolutions, are charged with studying a problem or issue in depth. These committees often perform a great deal of research, hold public hearings, and receive input from the citizens of the Commonwealth.
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Personal Papers
Representatives and staff are encouraged to donate their personal papers and memorabilia. These collections include research files, photographs, correspondence, speeches, and, along with the Oral History interviews, complement the official records of the House of Representatives.
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Institutional Office Records
Offices such as the Parliamentarian's Office, the Chief Clerk's Office, and the Office of the Speaker have transferred their records to the House Archives. These records contain correspondence, project files, reports, and memorabilia.
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Photograph Collections
The House Archives maintains a collection of approximately 100,000 photographs, slides, negatives,
and digital images documenting the institutional history of the House and the careers of House Members. To learn about acquiring reproductions of images, visit our Use of Reproductions.
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Additional resources for records of the Pennsylvania General Assembly can be found here