About the House Archives
About the House Archives
About the Archives

The Archives of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is home to permanently valuable historical records created by its Members, Committees, Offices, and staff.

Visitors to the Archives are able to acquire a better understanding of the history of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, one of the oldest governmental bodies in the United States, and its impact on Pennsylvania's citizens today.
This site is dedicated to sharing the resources that tell the story of the House of Representatives and its Members. Documents, images, artifacts, electronic records, and oral histories are examples of the types of records found in our Archives.

Oral History Project
The House Archives also administers the Oral History Project where staff conducts interviews with former Representatives to capture their personal experiences of serving in the House of Representatives. Numerous interviews have been completed and each one is as unique as the individuals and the districts that they served.
Personal Papers
Representatives and staff are encouraged to donate their personal papers and memorabilia. These collections, along with the Oral History interviews, complement the official records of the House of Representatives, as they often contain information regarding the legislation and interests that Members and staff were involved in during their tenure.

House Archives Library
The library in the House Archives is home to official books published by the House of Representatives, such as the House Journals, House Histories, and legislative directories. The library collection also includes books written about the history of the state, about the House of Representatives, and books authored by or written about its Representatives.
House Archives Museum

Many of the items collected by the House Archives through the years are now on display in the Archives' exhibit area. By utilizing these items in rotating exhibits, the House Archives tells the story of the House and its Members.

Reference Services

Through these many resources, the staff at the House Archives is able to answer numerous historical research questions about the Institution, its Members, and legislation.
Contact the House ArchivesRights and Reproductions

Most images and recordings in the House Archives' collections are available for reproduction. Some, however, are restricted by copyright. To learn more and to submit a request, visit here.
Right to Know

According to the Right-to-Know Law of 2008, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is defined as a "legislative agency" that is required to provide public access to "legislative records" upon request. To learn more or to submit a request, visit here.