House Archives Library


The Library of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Archives contains hundreds of books and other works related to the history and operations of the House and its Members. In addition to books on Pennsylvania government and history, below are some of the highlights of the Library's collection.


Legislative Journals for the House and Senate

Dating from the early part of the nineteenth century to the most recently completed session, these Journals contain the daily procedures, bill and amendment proposals, speeches, debates, and other announcements that occur on the House and Senate Floors during Session.

Read the Legislative Journals


Legislative Histories for the House and Senate

Dating from the early part of the twentieth century to the most recently completed session, the Histories contain a complete index of the Bills and Acts proposed and/or accepted during that Session. Additionally, these Histories contain lists of reports submitted to the House/Senate, House/Senate Chamber seating charts, and indexed lists of Resolutions.

Read the Legislative Histories


Smull's Legislative Handbooks, 1867-1922

Named after House Resident Clerk, John Smull (1832-1881), these directories contain Pennsylvania history, Assembly Rules, and other facts about the Commonwealth. Also, brief biographical sketches of Members of the three branches of Pennsylvania government are included.


Pennsylvania Manuals

Beginning in 1923, the Manuals begin where Smull's stop. The Manuals contain biographical sketches and photographs of the Members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Pennsylvania government. They also contain history and trivia about the Commonwealth, election results in every district, and the Constitution of Pennsylvania. The Manuals are published at the beginning of every two-year Session.

Read the current Pennsylvania Manual


Laws of Pennsylvania

These books contain the text of the passed Acts or Laws during the year/session.


Members' Collections

Also found in the Library's collection are biographies, memoirs, novels, and other works written by and/or about current and former Members.