Samuel H. Rothrock, M.D.
Samuel H. Rothrock, M.D.
04/27/1852 - 09/21/1928
ROTHROCK, Dr. Samuel Henry, a Representative from Mifflin County; born, April 27, 1852 in Derry Township, Pa.; graduated, Kishacoquillas Seminary; M.D., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1882; school teacher; school director (6 years); physician; unsuccesful campaign, Pennsylvania House of Representatives (1896); elected as a Democrat to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1898 and 1900; not a candidate for reelection to the House (1902); died, September 21, 1928, in Reedsville, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania; interred, Church Hill Cemetery, Reedsville, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania.
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