James Keegan, JR.
James Keegan, JR.
01/06/1874 - 04/26/1933
KEEGAN, James J., Jr., a Representative from Fayette County, born, January 6, 1874 in Duquesne, Allegheny County, Pa.; miner; millworker, Scottsdale Iron & Steel Company; employed, National Foundry & Pipe Works; employed, Scottsdale Brewing Company; member, Democratic County Committee; employed, Scottdale Crystal Ice Company; elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1898; not a candidate for reelection to the House in the 1900 General election; appointed, auditor, Upper Tyrone Township (1903-1904); engaged in the mercantile business; agent, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; reelected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1912; not a candidate for reelection to the House (1914); employed, Pennsylvania Department of Health; died, April 26, 1933 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.